Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

Pictures with santa only happened if mom and dad sat with Hadley and she still held on to us for dear life! Maybe next year. Below is one of the greatest gifts Had got this year. It's a pop up tree house big enough for her to run around in.

Did I say treehouse? I meant teepee.

The picture is a little dark. I wish it wasn't because the Christmas tutu and tights were a sight to see. Hadley's Christmas eve outfit was an adorable green, red, and white tutu with matching tights and a t-shirt with a christmas tree. Needless to say, it was par for the course for her party outfits.  As the night went on, we lost the tutu and gained purple princess heels. I'm willing to bet Had would have slept in the heels if given the opportunity.

Ahh, the tricycle. Another Christmas favorite. Poor Kinleigh almost got a left hook to the eye for trying to take her turn.

Toys! Toys! Wrapping paper and more toys!

Not really sure what's going on here. I just had to post a picture of the elf shoes. The things we do to our poor kids.
All in all, we had a fabulous Christmas! We were lucky enough to be able to see both sides of the fam on Christmas day. A little exhausting but none the less delightful! Hope everyone had a merry Christmas and  happy new year!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pics.!! Thanks for sharing! Never saw anything quite like the tree house! Hope you're all home and snug today!
    keddi and papa
